6 years
Credit 12,79 / 17,34€
GPA for admission 10,75
20 openings
In a global and multidisciplinary context, a solid and multidisciplinary training is required to enable a specialist such as graduates in Food Science and Technology to be able to take leadership positions in any organization. In turn, graduates in Business Administration and Management have the opportunity to obtain in-depth knowledge of an innovative sector with great social and economic impact, that is, the agri-food sector. Thanks to this double degree, students acquire all the professional competences of the two degrees in five and a half academic years, by completing their studies in two of the most popular UPV centres: the School of Agricultural Engineering and Environment (ETSIAMN ) and the School of Business Administration and Management (FADE).Thanks to this double degree, students acquire all the professional competences of the two degrees in five and a half academic years, by completing their studies in two of the most popular UPV centres: the School of Agricultural Engineering and Environment (ETSIAMN ) and the School of Business Administration and Management (FADE). Given the growing importance and demand of the food industry in today's globalized environment, this double degree combines competences related to research and innovation in the food industry together with those related to management, organization and administration of any kind of entity or company. For this reason, the combination of both degrees creates graduates with highly valued profiles for the food sector, increasing their employability in a key economic sector of increased strategic importance. The entities responsible for the degree are very active in terms of international mobility, something that they highly encourage in double-degree students. The School has agreements in place with some of the best European and American universities. And School of Business Administration and Management, for its part, has agreements with the most prestigious business schools, in and outside of Europe. The School of Agricultural Engineering and Environment collaborates with more than 200 organizations in the agri-food sector, which makes it easier for students to carry out internships in companies. Currently, over 90% of Business Administration and Management students carry out paid internships in all types of organizations, both in and outside of Spain. This double degree enables graduates to take master's degrees related to any of the two bachelor degrees that comprise it. The following master's degrees are offered at UPV as the standard continuation of this double degree: Master';s Degree in Agri-Food and Environmental Economy; Master's Degree in Food Science and Engineering; Master's Degree in Food Safety and Quality Management; Master's Degree in Oenology; Master's Degree in Financial and Fiscal Management, and Master's Degree in Business, Products and Service Management.
Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València
Bachelor's Double Degree in Business Administration and Management + Food Technology
393 credits
Presentation of the degree
Career opportunities
International mobility and internships
Further studies
Credits for obtaining the degree
Basic courses