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Bachelor's Double Degree in Mathematics + Business Administration and Management Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Bachelor's Double Degree in Mathematics + Business Administration and Management

5 years
351 credits

Credit 14,03 / 12,79€

GPA for admission 13,30

15 openings

Degree overview

Students complete two degrees simultaneously: a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management. Both are currently in high demand by the labour market.

They will therefore receive comprehensive training in mathematics and in business administration and management, and will have a multidisciplinary and versatile profile that will allow them to become top-level professionals. They will be able to advise, run, direct and manage both public and private organisations, thus making a positive contribution to the progress of society.

Career prospects

In addition to being able to work in any of the fields of each degree, the education they receive will allow them to become managers of large organisations, given their ability to analyse data and optimise them in the financial/organisational, human resource management, auditing, consultancy, and other contexts, and in both public and private organisations. They will also be able to access the technical bodies of the Administration, on a national, regional and local level, and could even devote themselves to research and the transfer of knowledge.

International mobility and internships

They can spend time at prestigious universities in Europe via the Erasmus grant, or in other parts of the world, with grants from the UPV. Thus, thanks to the University's academic agreements in either of the degrees, they will be able to train in an international and motivating environment.

The close relationship between companies and the UPV, and the applied nature of our studies, favours the completion of internships in companies that are always paid, which contributes to students receiving comprehensive training.

Continuation of studies

Students can continue their training with the master's degrees offered by the BADM Faculty: Financial and Fiscal Management; Business, Product and Service Management; Administrative Management; Social Media and Corporate Communication, and Mathematical Research.


Credits for obtaining the degree

Basic courses Compulsory Elective Internship TFG Total
90,00 237,00 4,50 0,00 19,50 351,00

EMAS upv