4 years
Credit 14,03€
GPA for admission 5,00
50 openings
The aim of these studies is to provide the necessary knowledge to plan and manage tourism destinations in a sustainable manner, to direct and manage accommodation, restaurant and other tourist activities, as well as to design, communicate and commercialize tourist trips. It also teaches how to organize and manage public institutions related to tourism, and communicate in various languages with tourism agents. Graduates will be able to work in various public services as well as in hotel and catering companies, travel agencies, tour operators, tourism promotion companies, fairs, transport organisations, tourism planning and development companies, tourist sector associations, animation, organisation of conventions and events, rural or environmental tourism, tourism departments and public institutions, public or private research centres or R+D+i, or as in a teaching position, among other options. They may also focus on e-commerce and the online management of content and resources. The school encourages the mobility of students with exchange agreements with universities in Austria, Finland, France, Italy, Ireland or the Netherlands. With one year abroad, they can access two double degrees in Leisure & Tourism Management. We have signed almost 300 educational cooperation agreements with companies in the tourism sector related to hotel management, travel agencies, tour operators, entertainment and events, ecotourism, etc. After studying the Degree in Tourism, students can take the Master's Degree in Business, Products and Service Management of the UPV, which has two specialities: Advanced Service Management, taught in Spain, and Product Technology, in Germany. Furthermore, graduates can access the Master's Degree in Cultural Management (interuniversity with the University of Valencia). As in the rest of the cases, students may apply for admission to any UPV master's degree by taking the appropriate levelling courses.
Gandia Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València
Bachelor's Degree in Tourism
240 credits
Presentation of the degree
Career opportunities
International mobility and internships
Further studies
Credits for obtaining the degree
Basic courses