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Información general

Which types of external internships can you perform in the Grado en Ingeniería Informática (GII)?

You can:

  • Carry out external internships in private and public companies, in public administrations, in technological institutes, in consultancies and in engineering companies with which the ETSINF has signed agreements.
  • Carry out internships in any of the target professional areas of the GII: Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computing, Information Technology and Information Systems.
  • In some cases, in addition to completing your training, you will be able to do your Bachelor's Thesis (TFG).

Internships can be both curricular (up to 18 ECTS) and non-curricular (or extracurricular). In both cases, they will appear in your academic record, with the information of the dates and the destination company/institution. In addition, internships can be carried out locally or abroad. In some cases, such as in the Erasmus+ internships, you can get additional aid from the European Union to pay for your stay.

More information about the internships and the activities of the office of the Deputy Director of Relations with the Professional Environment: https://www.inf.upv.es/www/etsinf/en/relaciones-con-empresa/.

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