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Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology

4 years
240 credits

Credit 17,34€

GPA for admission 9,91

75 openings

Presentation of the degree

The Degree in Food Science and Technology brings together a large number of scientific disciplines that contribute to the knowledge of the three basic pillars of food: food preparation and preservation, food quality and safety, and the food-health combination. In this sense, the objective is to train professionals with knowledge in the development, conservation, transformation, packaging, distribution and use of safe, nutritious and healthy foods.

This degree is internationally certified with the Iseki Food Association quality label 

This degree is internationally certified with the Iseki Food Association quality label

Career opportunities

The food industry is the first industrial sector in the country, with 15% of industrial GDP (FIAB). Also, the number of direct jobs in this sector stands at 450,000 people.

The professional areas in which to practice the profession include: food safety, management and quality control, development and innovation, legal, scientific and technical advice, marketing and commercialisation, food processing, collective catering and community nutrition and public health.

The private company, the Administration and the research centres are the bodies that, fundamentally, encompass the development of these professions.

International mobility and internships

Food technology is a discipline with a high degree of internationalization. In this regard, there are many universities that offer studies related to the Degree in Food Science and Technology, which can be accessed through student exchange programmes such as Erasmus, Promoe and the like.

The performance of internships in a company is a relevant aspect in the training of a food technologist. Students will be able to join internships in more than 200 companies and food institutions located in the Valencian Community.

Further studies

The Degree in Food Science and Technology enables access to the following university master's degrees taught by the UPV: Food Science and Engineering and Food Safety and Management (international: UPV, INP Lorraine, London SBU). It also grants access to any university master's degree from the UPV by taking the appropriate levelling courses.


Credits for obtaining the degree

Basic courses Compulsory Elective Internship TFG Total
63,00 141,00 24,00 0,00 12,00 240,00


EMAS upv