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Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration and Management Vera (València) Campus, Universitat Politècnica de València

Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration and Management

4 years
240 credits

Credit 12,79€

GPA for admission 8,45

80 openings

Presentation of the degree

The aim of the Degree in Public Administration and Management is to train professionals who will be able to manage, direct, administer, organize, advise and evaluate any Public Administration or private company that works for the administration. Students will have a multidisciplinary and balanced training in Law, Business Management and Economics, which will provide them with valuable professional training for any company.

Career opportunities

You will be able to develop your professional career in any Public Administration management field that operates in the European, national, regional or local scope.

In private companies, Public Administration and Management graduates are particularly attractive in consultancy and advisory firms, public services concessionaires, associations, foundations, professional associations, non-governmental organizations and entities that, in general, are continuously in touch with Public Administrations.

International mobility and internships

Thanks to Erasmus and Promoe academic exchange programmes, we have agreements in place with prestigious universities both in Europe and the rest of the world (France, Germany, Singapore, United States, England, Finland, Japan, etc.).

From the second year you will be able to carry out internships in a company. Despite being voluntary, over 80% of our students do them. We have agreements with City Councils, Ministries (such as Social Welfare or Health), the Local Government of Valencia, the Audit Office or the Valencian Employment Service, among others. In addition, all internships are paid.

Further studies

When you complete your studies, you may choose to take a master's degree. The School of Business Administration offers you the possibility of continuing your studies with the Master's Degree in Administrative Management, which is taught together with the Official Association of Administrative Managers of Valencia. Furthermore, you can also choose to complete the master's degrees in Financial and Fiscal Management, or in Business, Products and Service Management, which are also taught in the Faculty.


Credits for obtaining the degree

Basic courses Compulsory Elective Internship TFG Total
60,00 108,00 63,00 0,00 9,00 240,00

EMAS upv