PhD Admission

Explore the unknown, face the challenges of tomorrow

Discover the process that allows you to access the PhD Student Programmes at the UPV. Start your Research career in the best technological university in Spain.

Process of admission to PhD Student step by step

You have decided to do a PhD Student at the UPV. To help you along the way, we want to make things easy for you and make sure you know at all times what you have to do to start the process.


Meet the Doctoral School

Go to the section.


Choose PhD Programme and confirm tutor

Go to the section.


Check out the pre-doctoral grants

Go to the section.


Submit your application

Go to the section.


Make the registration

Go to the section.


Start your adventure

Go to the section.


Meet the Doctoral School

Before we start, how about getting to know each other? The Doctoral School of the UPV is a prestigious institution that offers different PhD Student programmes, come and discover us!


Choose PhD Programme and confirm tutor

What do you want to research? The UPV Doctoral School is multidisciplinary and offers programmes in different fields: Agrifood and Biotechnology, Architecture, Art, Sciences, Sciences, Economics and Social Sciences, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, ICT

In addition to the related documentation, it is advisable to provide a research plan proposal (thesis project), being necessary to have arranged, before starting the application for admission, with one of the Researchers assigned to the PhD Student programme for the direction of the thesis.


Check out the pre-doctoral grants

We know that having access to funding for PhD studies is very important for future Researchers. We provide you with the information you need to apply for these grants!


Submit your application

You are very close to becoming a Researcher-in-Training. But first, you must follow a series of steps and fulfil certain requirements - don't miss out on any details!


Pre-registration deadlines for the academic year 2024/2025

Rest of PhD Programmes

From 17 June, until 13:00 hours on 15 October 2024 Resolution within 30 calendar days after the end of the application deadline.


Make the registration

If you are at this point, it is because you have been officially admitted to a PhD Programme at the UPV - the journey begins now!

If you have been accepted into a PhD Programme, you can enrol immediately to start your thesis.

In case you need to postpone your enrolment, we will keep your admission valid for you to enrol at a later date, at any time during this academic year or the next. This applies if you are in any of the following situations:

  • Completing visa procedures to come to Spain.
  • Waiting confirmation of a pre-doctoral grant.
  • Managing any other similar issue.

To reactivate your enrolment, simply send us an email.


Start your adventure

Congratulations! You are now officially a PhD Student at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Don't miss these contents that can help you to organise your day to day.

Welcome days

The UPV welcomes you for the academic year 2024 - 2025

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Calendar PhD Student School 2024 - 2025

Check out the key dates for this academic year.

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Carné UPV

We explain the accreditation process of the university community.

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Cross-curricular training

The doctoral training includes, in addition to the completion of the original research project, specific and cross-curricular training activities.

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This is the UPV platform where you will find everything related to your studies

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Contact us

Send us a suggestion, a complaint or your congratulations. Consult your doubts directly with us. Avoid travel and waiting