Admission to degree

Your future is closer than you think

Discover the process that allows you to access the best technological university in Spain. Choose the access route that corresponds to your profile and start your path to become the owner of your future.

Undergraduate admission process step by step: over 25/40/45 years old

You are on the verge of becoming a university student. That's why we want to make things easy for you and make sure you know at all times what you need to do to enter one of the most exciting times of your life. Your journey starts now!


Get to know the UPV

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Choose studies

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Plan your specific test

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Apply for access to the test

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Make the registration

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Start your adventure

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Get to know the UPV

We want to meet you! Every year the UPV organises different information days so that prospective students can get to know first-hand what studies the university offers, as well as the services, activities and facilities on its three campuses.


Choose studies

What do you want to study? The UPV offers you dozens of options between degrees, double degrees and PARS so that you can study what you like best. We have what you are looking for, for sure!


Plan your specific test

If you have already chosen the studies in which you would like to study, it is time to take the specific test, which will be different depending on your profile. Take note of all the details and? Go for it!

Over 25

Type of test: exam

Number of reserved places: not less than 2%

Only those who are or have reached the age of 25 in the calendar year in which the test is held and do not hold any academic qualifications that give access to university by other routes may take part in this test.

The entrance examination for students over 25 years of age can be taken at any public university, regardless of the educational institution where the degree course is then taken.

The grades obtained can be used to apply for admission to any university and correspond preferably, for admission purposes, to the studies linked to the branch or branches of knowledge you are taking the exams in. However, applicants cannot take exams in the same year at more than one university.

In order to apply for a place and enrol, it is essential to do the pre-registration.

What does the test consist of?

The entrance exam has two phases: a general phase and a specific phase.


The general phase consists of four exercises:

  1. Text commentary on a current affairs topic
  2. Spanish language
  3. Valencian language
  4. Foreign language, to choose between English, German, French, Italian and Portuguese.

The specific phase is structured in five options linked to the five branches of knowledge and the combinations between them:

  1. Arts and Humanities
  2. Sciences
  3. Health Sciences
  4. Social and Legal Sciences
  5. Engineering and Architecture.

Branch combinations:

  • Branches A and D
  • Branches B and C
  • Branches B and E
  • Branches B, C and E

When is the exam considered passed?

You will have passed the entrance exam for the over 25s when you obtain a minimum of five points in the final grade. In no case may you obtain less than four points in both the general and specific phases.

In no case may you obtain less than four points in both the general and specific phases.

Over 40

Type of test: personal interview

Number of reserved places: The quota for the over-40s and over-45s is 1% in each case, which may be offset against each other up to a maximum of 2% overall.

Only candidates with work and professional experience in relation to an education, who do not hold any academic qualification that qualifies them for access to university by other routes and who have reached the age of 40 before 1 October of the year in which the academic year begins.

Access is granted for a specific course offered by the university, for which the interested party must send the corresponding application to the Rector of the UPV.

To apply for a place and enrol, pre-registration is essential.”, “To apply for a place and enrol, pre-registration is essential.

To apply for a place and enrol, pre-registration is essential.

Over 45

Type of test: exam and personal interview

No. of reserved places: the quota for the over-40s and over-45s is 1% in each case, which may be offset against each other up to a maximum of 2%, overall

Only candidates over 45 years of age who do not have any academic qualifications that would allow them to access university by other routes and who cannot demonstrate work or professional experience can access university through this route.

Passing the entrance exam will only allow admission to the university where the test has been taken and for the studies requested in the test.

To apply for a place and enrol, pre-registration is essential.

To apply for a place and enrol, pre-registration is essential.

What does the test consist of?

The entrance examination for the over 45s comprises three exercises:

  1. Text commentary or development of a general current affairs topic
  2. Spanish language
  3. Valencian language

When is the exam considered passed?

The candidate will have passed the entrance examination when he/she obtains a minimum of five points in the final grade. In no case can an average be obtained when a score of less than four points is obtained in any of the exercises.

In addition, candidates must undergo a personal interview. The result of the interview must be reported in the form of an apt resolution as a necessary condition for the subsequent favourable resolution of admission of the interested party.

In addition, candidates must take a personal interview.


Apply for access to the test

You already know what your specific test consists of. Now it's time to register for the entrance exams - take heart!

Make pre-registration over 25

Deadline for registering for the exam

From 1 to 22 February 2024, inclusive.

Check all the detailed information about the university entrance exams for over 25s in this page.

Make pre-registration over 40

Deadline for submitting the application for Access to Undergraduate Studies (over 40 years of age)

From 1 to 22 February 2024, both inclusive.

Check all the detailed information about the university entrance exams for people over 40 years old in this page.

Make pre-registration over 45

Deadline for pre-registration for access to the exam

From 1 to 22 February 2024, inclusive.

Check all the detailed information about the university entrance exams for people over 45 years old in this page.


Make the registration

You are very close to joining the UPV community. If you have reached this step, your pre-registration has been approved and now it's time to formalise your enrolment, we are looking forward to meeting you!

You will receive an appointment

The registration system for undergraduate, double degree and new PARS students is the same. Admitted students will receive an appointment for self-enrolment in the degree, double degree or PARS where you have been admitted.

Dates: 16 and 17 July 2024.

Complete the enrolment process easily through the self-enrolment platform.

What if I remain on the waiting list?

As we explained in section 4 “Make your pre-registration”, waiting lists are an option for people who did not manage to get into a study programme at first. If someone who was initially accepted decides not to register or cancels their registration, the places left vacant can be taken up by those on these waiting lists.

In addition, UPV places that have become available seats will be offered to people who are on the waiting lists and who have been activated.

On the other hand, if you enrol at the UPV, the places you have left vacant will be offered to people who are on the waiting lists and who have been activated.

On the other hand, if you enrol in one degree and you are subsequently admitted to another degree that is of greater interest to you, you can enrol in the latter and cancel the previous enrolment. This procedure is automatic if both degrees are from the UPV (the same automatic enrolment application, when you enrol in the second degree, asks you if you want to cancel your enrolment in the first one). But if the studies are from different universities, you should ask the centre where you have enrolled first how you should request the cancellation.

What to do if you are on the waiting list

If you have not been admitted to the desired degree, you will be on the waiting list for that degree, double degree or PARS by default. If you are interested, it is essential that you activate yourself on this list, but, above all, always remember to have enrolled in a degree.

It is important to note that this action must be done by yourself and that you have the possibility to register in as many lists as you wish. If you do not get on the waiting list for a grade within this period, you will not participate in the allocation of possible vacancies in the following phases.

How to activate on a waiting list?

You can activate your place on the waiting list directly on the page where you consult the pre-registration results.

All you need to do is log in with your ID number (not including the letter) and go to the section entitled “Waiting list information”. There, when you click on the button "Manage waiting list", you will see the degrees and double degrees for which you have not been initially admitted and which are pending. If you decide that you want to opt for one of them, simply click on the "+" button next to each course. If you wish to unsubscribe from a list, click the "-" button.

Degrees from another university

If you are interested in joining a waiting list for another degree at a different university, you should consult the deadlines and procedures on the website of that university.


Start your adventure

Congratulations! You are now officially a student at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Until classes start, how about starting here? Don't miss these contents that can help you get started.

Welcome Days

The UPV welcomes you for the academic year 2024 - 2025

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Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Check out the key dates for this academic year.

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UPV Card

We explain the accreditation process of the university community.

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MOOC leveling courses

How about brushing up on the basics of the core subjects? You have up to 17 trainings to do so.

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This is the UPV platform where you will find everything related to your studies: courses, notes, homework, grades...Learn more.

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Contact us

Send us a suggestion, a complaint or your congratulations. Consult your doubts directly with us. Avoid travel and waiting